Two beliefs shape everything we do

Impactful design is all about iteration

Design thinking is part of our DNA, which means we constantly evolve our thinking and ideas in an iterative rather than a linear process.

Multi-dimensional experiences enable growth

Real impact and behaviour change can only happen when sense, thoughts and feelings come congruently together in the surrounding context, perfectly fitting specific need states.

We set ourselves apart from other evidence-based consultancies in various ways:

Multi-Disciplinary Design Thinkers

We apply digital and analogue qualitative, quantitative and sensory approaches to crystallise the business problem, understand the context,empathise with consumer needs, co-create and iterate. We combine evidence-based analysis with entrepreneurial and design thinking principles to drive commercial impact.

Strong Holistic Focus with a Multisensory perspective

We accept that human behaviour is driven by context, emotion, cognition and sensory input. We approach every business issue from a multi-sensory perspective and use tailor-made solutions to find the answer.

Innovation sits at our core

The only way to stay ahead is through disruptive or incremental innovation. We have depth of experience with processes of discovery, engineering and transformation. We don’t believe all that glitters is gold, but do have a strong passion for innovation research and innovation in methodology (approaches, techniques and technologies).